Thesis Database

Year: 2013 - 2014 2nd term

Programme: MSSc

Supervisor: Fanny Cheung

Student name: Ng Man Ying, Candace

Thesis title:

Effect of Self-efficacy, Collective Efficacy and Social Support on the Relationship among Personality, Perceived Stress and Mental Health Problems.

Keywords: personality, self-efficacy, collective efficacy, stress, internalizing and externalizing problems

Participants: Chinese HK adolescents

Measures: Cross cultural personality assessment inventory-adolescent version, perceived stress scale, youth self-report, general self-efficacy scale, the inventory of socially supportive behaviors

Measures abr: CPAI-A, PSS, YSR, GSE, ISSB

Abstract: abstract/2014MSSc/Candace Ng_abstract

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