Thesis Database

Year: 1997 - 1998 2nd term

Programme: MSSc

Supervisor: Freedom Yiu Kin Leung

Student name: Sarah Miu Yin Ip

Thesis title:

Prevalence and Correlates of Dependent Personality Disorder Among Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong

Keywords: Dependent Personality Disorder, Adolescents

Participants: Secondary School Students

Measures: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV - Axis II Disorders, Dependence Scale of Depressive Experiences Questionnaire for Adolescents, Neuroticism Scale of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Revised, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale, Li Sex Trait Inventory, Family Environment Scale

Measures abr: SCID-II, DEQ-A, EPQ-R, RSE, FNE, LSTI, FES

Abstract: abstract/1998MSSc/Sarah Miu Yin Ip_abstract.pdf

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