Thesis Database

Year: 2014 - 2015 2nd term

Programme: MSSc

Supervisor: Patrick Leung

Student name: Kwan siu yin michelle

Thesis title:

Gastrointestinal dysfunction among children with autism spectrum disorder in hong kong

Keywords: gastrointestinal dysfunction, gastrointestinal symptoms, autism spectrum disorder, hong kong

Participants: students aged 4-18 in mainstream and special schools; children aged 4-18 and diagnosed with ASD recruited from Alice ho miu ling nethersole hospital

Measures: The chinese autism spectrum quotient: children's version, The chinese autism spectrum quotient: adolescent's version, the chinese version of strength and difficulties questionnaire, the chinese version of questionnaire on pediatric gastrointestinal symptoms, excerpts of child health survey 2005/2006

Measures abr: AQ-child, Aq-adol, sdq, Qpgs-rii, CHS-2005/2006

Abstract: abstract/2014-2015ChiPsy/KwanSiuYinMichelle_abstract.pdf

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