Thesis Database

Year: 2016 - 2017 2nd term

Programme: PhD

Supervisor: Fung Hoi Lam Helen

Student name: Wang Hao

Thesis title:

How age affects negative self-conscious emotions: the roles of self-concept and self-compassion

Keywords: negative self-conscious emotions, guilt, embarrassment, shame, self-esteem status, self -compassion


Measures: Test of self-conscious affect-3, rosenberg self-esteem scale, the self-concept clarity scale, the ruff scales of psychological well-being, center of epidemiological studies, depression scale, the self-compassion scale

Measures abr: TOSCA-3, RSES, SCCS, RSPW, CESD, SCS

Abstract: abstract/2016-2017 PhD/WangHao_abstract.pdf

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