Thesis Database

Year: 2015 - 2016 2nd term

Programme: PhD in Clinical Psy

Supervisor: Patrick Leung

Student name: Chan Hsiao Mandy

Thesis title:

Predictors of treatment response to methylphenidate in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Keywords: ADHD, predictors, treatment response, methylphenidate, children

Participants: 149 Han Chinese boys (from age 6-12) with ADHD, combined type

Measures: NIMH Diagnostic Interview Schedule for CHildren-4th edition (parent version), Strengths and weaknesses of ADHD and normal behaviors rating scale (Parents report form), Weschsler Intelligence for Children -4th edition (HK), Hong kong test of specific learning, difficulties in reading and writing for primary school students-2nd edition, alabama parenting questionnaire (parent form)

Measures abr: P-DISC-IV, SWAN, WISC-IV(HK), HKT-P(II), APQ

Abstract: abstract/2015-2016phdchipsy/Chan Hsiao Mandy_abstract.pdf

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