Thesis Database

Year: 2015 - 2016 2nd term

Programme: MSSc

Supervisor: Prof. Chee-wing Wong & Prof. Agnes Chan

Student name: Nga Wing, Cecilia

Thesis title:

The role of sleep and anxiety in compulsive checking among adolescents and young adults

Keywords: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Compulsive checking, sleep, anxiety, memory

Participants: 201 university students between age 17 to 25

Measures: The obsessive-compulsive inventory revised, The pittsburg sleep quality index, The insomnia severity Index, The depression anxiety stress scale, The cognitive failures questionnaire

Measures abr: OCI-R, PSQI, ISI, DASS-21, CFQ

Abstract: abstract/2015-2016ChiPsy/Cecilia Leung_abstract.pdf

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