Thesis Database

Year: 2016 - 2017 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Fung Helene Hoi Lam

Student name: Liu Ngai Tsit

Thesis title:

Motive-Affordance Fit in Volunteering And Its Relationship with Flow Experience, Satisfaction and Retention of Volunteers

Keywords: volunteerism, one-time volunteering, motive-affordance fit, total match index, flow ?

Participants: 54 HK local young adults aged from 18 to 28 years (34 male, 20 female)

Measures: Volunteer Functions Inventory, Flow State Scale-2/Chinese Flow State Scale-2, Dispositional Flow Scale-2/Chinese Dispositional Flow Scale-2, Scales of Psychological Well-being

Measures abr: VFI, FSS-2/CFSS-2, DFS-2/CDFS-2, SPWB

Abstract: abstract/2016-2017 BSSc/LiuNgaiTsit_abstract.pdf

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