Thesis Database

Year: 2015 - 2016 2nd term

Programme: MPhil in Psy

Supervisor: McBride Catherine Alexandra

Student name: Wong Lok Yee Natalie

Thesis title:

Examining the Overlap in Cyberbullying and Traditional Bullying among Youth: The Development of Direct Observational Assessment for Cyberbullying Behaviors

Keywords: cyberbullying, direct observational assessment (in cyberbullying), person oriented apporoach (in cyberbullying), fun-seeking tendencies in cyberaggression, percieved social support

Participants: 750 S1 and S2 students (aged 11-15) and 59 undergraduates

Measures: cyberbullying perpetration and victimzation, school bullying and victimazation/school bullying involvment scale for undergraduate, fun-seeking in cyberaggression scale, normative beliefs about face-to-face aggression, normative beliefs about cyberagression, life satisfaction, self-esteem, perceived social support

Measures abr: CBP/CBV, FSCA, NBA, NBCA, PSS

Abstract: abstract/2016-2017 MPhil/WongLokYeeNatalie_abstract.pdf

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