Thesis Database

Year: 2014 - 2015 2nd term

Programme: MA in Psy (part-time)

Supervisor: Mak Wing Sze Winnie

Student name: Ng Lai Lai Charlotte

Thesis title:

Self-compassion and self-stigma as mediators between mindfulness and life satisfaction among people living with HIV

Keywords: HIV/AIDS, mindfulness, self-compassion, self-stigma, life satisfaction

Participants: People living with HIV

Measures: Five facets mindfulness questionnaire-short form, self-compassion scale-short form, self-stigma scale-short form, satisfaction with life scale

Measures abr: FFMQ-C, SCS-SF, SSS-S, SWLS

Abstract: abstract/2014-2015 MA/NgLaiLai_abstract.pdf

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