Thesis Database

Year: 2015 - 2016 2nd term

Programme: BBSc

Supervisor: Catherine A. McBride

Student name: Lau Yin Yim

Thesis title:

The roles of emotional autonomy and filial piety beliefs in psychosocial adjustment of Hong Kong late adolescents

Keywords: Psychosocial adjustment, emotional autonomy, filial piety, late adolescent

Participants: 202 college students (age 18-24), 59 males (29.2%), 143 females (70.8%)

Measures: Perception of parents scale-warmth, Children's report of parental behavior inventory, Dual filial piety scale, Emotional autonomy scale, Rosenberg self-esteem scale, Satisfaction with life scale, Perceived competence scale for children

Measures abr: POPS, CRPBI, EAS SWLS

Abstract: abstract/2015-2016 BSSc/LauYinYim_abstract.pdf

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