Thesis Database

Year: 2015 - 2016 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Catherine A. McBride

Student name: Wong Ka Fung Kevin

Thesis title:

Factors related to Chinese vocabulary acquisition of children

Keywords: Metalinguistic skills, Chinese vocabulary, children, Morphological awareness

Participants: 95 primary school students (P.1-P.4),(49 boys, 46 girls)

Measures: Hong Kong Cantonese receptive vocabulary test, Stanford-Binet intelligence scale vocabulary, Wechsler intelligence scale of children, Hong Kong test of specific learning difficulties in reading and writing, Raven's colored progressive matrices

Measures abr: CRVT, WISC-III

Abstract: abstract/2015-2016 BSSc/WongKaFungKevin_abstract.pdf

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