Thesis Database

Year: 2015 - 2016 2 term

Programme: PhD in Psy

Supervisor: Chan Kwan Shing Darius

Student name: Wang Rong

Thesis title:

Leader's Ethical Behaviors and Moral Transgressions: Moral Consistency or Moral Licensing

Keywords: Ethical Leadership, Moral Transgression, Moral Licensing, Moral Consistency, Abusive Supervision

Participants: Study 1: 450 full-time Chinese employees, Study 2: 455 full-time Chinese employees, Study 3: 223 full-time Chinese employees

Measures: Ethical Leadership Scale, Abusive Supervision Scale, Organizational Justice Scale, Job Affect Scale, Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey

Measures abr: ELS, ASS, OJS, JAS, MBI-GS

Abstract: abstract/2015 PhD/WangRong_abstract.pdf

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