Thesis Database

Year: 2015 - 2016 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Au Wing Tung Winton

Student name: Wong Yuet Yi Sally

Thesis title:

Happy it can be your choice to be: Effectiveness evaluation of Hong Kong police colleges' emotional fitness training

Keywords: Emotional fitness, Resilience, Police training, Positive emotions

Participants: 300 Hong Kong police officers

Measures: State hope scale, Brief resilient coping scale, Positive state of mind, Subjective happiness, Cognitive flexibility, 12-item general health questionnaire, Satisfaction with life scale

Measures abr: SHS, BRCS, PSOM, SHS, CF, GHQ-12, SWLS

Abstract: abstract/2015-2016 BSSc/WongYuetYi_abstract.pdf

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