Thesis Database

Year: 2014 - 2015 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Catherine McBride

Student name: Ma Tsz Ching Jenny

Thesis title:

Emotional Intelligence and Self-esteem of Children among Physical Disability and Able-bodied

Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Self-esteem, Disability, Physical disability, Special education

Participants: 115 grade 5th to 7th students (42 with PD, 24 males and 18 females; 73 control, 40 males and 33 females)

Measures: Self-rated emotional intelligence scale, Schutte self report inventory, Emotion perception test, Rosenberg self esteem scale

Measures abr: SREIS, SSRI, EPT, RSES

Abstract: abstract/2014-2015 BSSc/MaTszChing_abstract.pdf

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