Thesis Database

Year: 2013 - 2014 2nd term

Programme: PhD in Psychology

Supervisor: Catherine McBride

Student name: Wang Ying

Thesis title:

Early Literacy Intervention in Chinese: The Relative Role of Copying Activity, and Its Combination with Morphological Awareness and Pinyin Knowledge

Keywords: Chinese word reading, Chinese word writing, Orthographic awareness, Morphological awareness, Copying skill, Pinyin knowledge, Combined program

Participants: 142 children (70 girls and 72 boys, mean age 75.36 months, SD=0.47) in the second semester of the third year in kindergarten from a private kindergarten in Urumqi, China

Measures: Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices, Chinese word reading, Chinese word writing, Vocabulary definitions task based on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale Vocabulary subtest, A combined task of morphological construction and radical judgment, Orthographic judgement task, A combined task of syllable deletion and phoneme onset detection, Rapid automatized naming, Pinyin letter-name knowledge, Invented Pinyin spelling, General copying of unfamiliar scripts, Delayed copying of Chinese characters, Maternal and Paternal education level

Measures abr: RSPM, RAN

Abstract: abstract/2013-2014 PhD/WangYing_abstract.pdf

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