Thesis Database

Year: 2013 - 2014 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Winnie Mak

Student name: Li Chiu Ming

Thesis title:

The commitment and behavior change process of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as mental health promotion training for college students in Hong Kong

Keywords: ACT, valued-living, emerging adulthood, mental health promotion

Participants: 40 college students in Hong Kong

Measures: Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, Valued-living Questionnaire, Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire Short Form, Five-item Who Well-being Index, Mental Health Continuum-Short Form

Measures abr: AAQ-II, VLQ, FFMQ-SF, WBI, MHC-SF

Abstract: abstract/2013BSSc/LiChiuMing_abstract.pdf

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