Thesis Database

Year: 2013 - 2014 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Winnie Mak

Student name: Cheng Tsz Kiu

Thesis title:

Homonegative Microaggressions: Establishment of Measurement Scale and Application, Comparison of Issues faced by Hong Kong and Taiwan LGB Individuals

Keywords: Homonegative Microaggressions, Self-esteem, Coping

Participants: Hong Kong and Taiwan Homosexuals and Bisexuals aged 18 or above

Measures: Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, The Scale of Discrimination in Life Events, Outness Inventory, Measure of Daily Coping

Measures abr: RES, OI

Abstract: abstract/2013BSSc/ChengTszKiu_abstract.pdf

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