Thesis Database

Year: 2012 - 2013 2nd term

Programme: PhD in Psychology

Supervisor: Winnie Mak

Student name: Chan Ka Shing Kevin

Thesis title:

Self-stigmatizing Thinking as Mental Habit in People with Mental Illness

Keywords: Stigma, Automatic, Experiential avoidance, Emotional Stroop, Implicit

Participants: 186 people with mental illness

Measures: Self-stigmatizing Thinking's Automaticity and Repetition, Self-Stigma Scale - Short Form, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale

Measures abr: STAR, SSS - S, AAQ, FFMQ, RSES

Abstract: abstract/2012PhD/chan ka shing-abstract.pdf

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