Thesis Database

Year: 2011 - 2012 2 term

Programme: Phd in Psy

Supervisor: Qian Wang

Student name: Li Lin

Thesis title:

Perceived Parental Socialization of Self-reliance and Individuality among Chinese Early Adolescents

Keywords: perceived parental promotion of self-reliance, perceived parental promotion of individuality, Chinese early adolescents, psychosocial functioning

Participants: Chinese early adolescents

Measures: perceived parental promotion of self-reliance and promotion of individuality scale perception of parenting scale psychological control parental authority questionnaire effort regulation self-regulated learning strategies perceived utility of academic achievement problem behaviors life satisfaction self-esteem depression the dual filial piety scale DRPS

Measures abr:

Abstract: abstract/2011-2012PhD/LinLi_abstract.pdf

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