Thesis Database

Year: 2007 - 2008 1st term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Helene Hoi Lam Fung

Student name: Derwin King Chung Chan

Thesis title:

Developmental differences in the impacts of achievement motivational climates created by coaches, parents, and peers

Keywords: Developmental differences, Significant others, Motivational climate, Sport, Achivement goal

Participants: 452 Hong Kong local swimmers

Measures: Scale itmes for Effort, Enjoyment, and Intention (Ntoumanis, 2001), Subjective Vitality Scale (Ryan & Frederick, 1997), Sport competences, Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP; Fox & Corbin, 1989; Fox, 1990), Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS; Smith, Smoll, & Schutz, 1990)

Measures abr: PSPP, SAS

Abstract: abstract/2008BSSC/ChanKingChungDerwin_abstract.pdf

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