Thesis Database

Year: 2009 - 2010 2nd term

Programme: PhD in Clinical Psy

Supervisor: Freedom Yiu Kin Leung

Student name: Chi Ming Wong

Thesis title:

Four-step Mindfulness-based Therapy for Chronic Pain: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Keywords: Four-step, Mindfulness-based therapy, chronic pain

Participants: 99 out-patients

Measures: Pain intensity and unpleasantness, Multidimensional Pain Inventory Interference Scale, Beck Depression Inventory II, Patient Global Impression of Change Scale, Frequency of sick taken in the past mouth due to pain, Freuqnecy of A&E visit due to pain in the past month

Measures abr: MPI-Interference, BDI-II, PGIC

Abstract: abstract/2010PhDClinPsy/WongChiMing_abstract.pdf

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