Thesis Database

Year: 2011 - 2012 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Takeshi Hamamura

Student name: Hoi Yan Pau

Thesis title:

Sexual crime in Hong Kong: how do the acceptance of modern myths about sexual aggression, belief in a just world, and pluralistic ignorance influence the reporting behaviors of sexual crime in Hong Kong

Keywords: Report rate, sexual aggression, just world, pluralistic ignorance

Participants: 760 participants recruited via the university mass email system (262 males, 498 females)

Measures: Acceptance of Mordern Myths about Sexual Aggression, Belief in a Just World (16-item), Belief in a Just World (6-item)

Measures abr: AMMSA, BJW16, BJW6

Abstract: abstract/2012BSSC/PauHoiYan_abstract.pdf

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