Thesis Database

Year: 2009 - 2010 1st term

Programme: M.Phil in Psy

Supervisor: Fanny Mui Ching Cheung

Student name: Lai Yin Wan

Thesis title:

Extension of the Planned Behavior Theory in Smoking among Hong Kong Chinese Adolescents: the Role of Personality and Gender

Keywords: Planned behavior theory, smoking, Chinese adolescents, personality, gender

Participants: 1332 Hong Kong Chinese Adolescents

Measures: Fishbei/Azjen-Harsn Questionnarie (FAHQ), Tobacco Motive Inventory, Adolescent Smoking Lonsoquence Questionnaire, Behavioral Willingness

Measures abr:

Abstract: abstract/2010MPhil/Wan Lai Yin.pdf

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