Thesis Database

Year: 2010 - 2011 2nd term

Programme: BSSC

Supervisor: Catherine Alexandra McBride-Chang

Student name: Dorothy Ka Chung Tsui

Thesis title:

Linking Social Relationships to Life Satisfaction or Depression in Hong Kong Adolescents

Keywords: Best Friendship, Peer Relations, life satisfaction, Depression

Participants: 236 students from 2 secondary schools in Hongkong (145 boys, 191 girls)

Measures: est Friendship, Peer Relations, life satisfaction, Depression Friendship Questionnaire Scale Revised Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment IPPA-R Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale Beck Depression Inventory BDI

Measures abr:

Abstract: abstract/2011BSSC/Tsui Ka Chung Dorothy_abstract.pdf

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