Thesis Database

Year: 2008 - 2009 2nd term

Programme: MSSC

Supervisor: Winnie W.S. MAK

Student name: Eliza Yee Lai Cheung

Thesis title:

Effectiveness of Web-based Mindfulness Stress Reduction Program in Promoting Mental Health among Chinese community adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Keywords: Mindfulness-based stress reduction, web-based, randomized controlled trial, mental health promotion

Participants: students and staff recruited from the universities in Hong Kong

Measures: Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) WHO 5-item Well-Bing Index (WHO) Satisfaction With Life Scale and one item from the Delighted-Terrible Scale (SWLS+D_T Scale) Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-short version (DASS21)

Measures abr:

Abstract: abstract/2009MSSc/Cheung Yee Lai Eliza_abstract

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