Thesis Database

Year: 2008 - 2009 2nd term

Programme: MSSC

Supervisor: Patrick Wing Leung LEUNG

Student name: Katherine Yik-Ying Ng

Thesis title:

The relationship between the constructs of cognitive schema and psychopathy in Chinese male violent offenders

Keywords: violence, psychopathy, cognitive schema, Chinese offenders

Participants: Chinese violent offenders

Measures: Hostile Interpretations Questionnaire (HIQ) Criminal Sentiments Scale-modified (CSS-m) Aggression Efficacy Scale (AES) Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) Impulsive Premediated Aggression Scale (IPAS) Impulsivity Questionnaire (IQ) Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS)

Measures abr:

Abstract: abstract/2009MSSc/Yik-Ying Ng Katherine_abstract

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