Thesis Database

Year: 1996 - 1997 2nd term

Programme: Postgrad Diploma

Supervisor: Patrick Wing Leung Leung

Student name: Chloe Yu Chin

Thesis title:

Can Aggression and Prosocial Behavior Coexist in Preschool Children?

Keywords: Aggression, Prosocial Behavior, Preschool Children

Participants: Preschool Children

Measures: Behavior Screening Questionnaire, Preschool Behavior Checklist, Questionnaire for Behavior Problem at Home and School, Prosocial Behavior Interview, Developmental Language Screening Scale, Reynell Language Development Scale, Griffiths Mental Developmental Scale

Measures abr: BSQ, PBCL, DLSS, RDLS, GMDS

Abstract: abstract/1997Dip/Yu_Chin_abstract.pdf

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