Thesis Database

Year: 2007 - 2008 2nd term

Programme: M.Phil in Psy

Supervisor: Winne Wing Sze Mak

Student name: Chun Yiu Yeung

Thesis title:

Incremental Value of Self-efficacy and Relational Autonomous Motivation in Predicting Smoking Cessation with the Self-Determination Theory

Keywords: Smoking Cessation, Self-Determination Theory, Self-efficacy, Autonomous Motivation, Relational motivation

Participants: 61 local smokers with quitting motivations

Measures: treatment self-regulation questionnaire (smoking), Relational autonomous motivation scale (smoking), Smoking self-efficacy questionnaire (SEQ-12), Health care climate questionnaire for smoking

Measures abr: TSRQ-s, RAMS-S, SEQ-12, RISC, HCCQ-S

Abstract: abstract/2008Mphil/YeungChunYiu_abstract.pdf

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