Thesis Database

Year: 2008 - 2009 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Winne Wing Sze Mak

Student name: Ka Yan Wu

Thesis title:

Uncovering subjective antecedents and outcomes of acculturation: A longitudinal study on Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong

Keywords: Acculturation, theory of planned behavior, international students, acculturative stress, Chinese culture

Participants: 180 full time undergraduates from mainland china

Measures: acculturation index, sociocultural adaptation scale, international students, depression, anxiety, stress scale, patients health questionnaire

Measures abr: AI, SCAS, ASSIS, DASS-21, PHQ-5

Abstract: abstract/2009B.S.Sc/WuKaYan_abstract.pdf

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