Thesis Database

Year: 2008 - 2009 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Helene Hoi Lam Fung

Student name: Josephine Lok-ping Wong

Thesis title:

The relationship between Death Attitude and Religion: A Matter of Religious Affiliation or Religiosity?

Keywords: Death Attitude, Religiosity, Religious Affiliation, Buddhism, Christianity

Participants: 137 Buddhists (54 male 73 female) and 123 Christians (47 males and 70 females)

Measures: I/E revised, Death attitude profile-revised, Revised collect-lester fear of death and dying scale, Future time perspective scale, General health questionnaire

Measures abr: I/E- R, DAP- R

Abstract: abstract/2009B.S.Sc/Wong_Lok_Ping_abstract.pdf

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