Thesis Database

Year: 2008 - 2009 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Qian Wang

Student name: Lang Siu

Thesis title:

Effects of Parental Psychological Control on Hong Kong Early Adolescents' Psychological Functioning: Exploring the Moderating Role of Children's Inclusion of their Relationships with their Parents in their Self-Construct

Keywords: Psychological Control, Inclusion of their Relationships with their Parents in their Self-Construct, Emotional function, Academic function, Parent-child relationship quality

Participants: 140 secondary form one students (55 boys, 82 girls, and 3 did not indicate)

Measures: Parental Psychological Control, Parent oriented self-construct, Life satisfaction, Positive emotion, self esteem, Academic self-regualtion questionnaire, Parent oriented motivation, Inventory of parent attachment

Measures abr: PPC, POS, LS, PE, SE, ASQ, PARM, IPA

Abstract: abstract/2009B.S.Sc/Siu_Lang_abstract.pdf

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