Thesis Database

Year: 2008 - 2009 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Wai Chan

Student name: Kei Shun Cheung

Thesis title:

A Study on the Anxiety Level of Hurried Child in Hong Kong and the Moderation Effect of Parental Modernity and Authoritative Parenting Style

Keywords: Hurried Child, Parental Modernity, Authoritative partenting style, Anxiety Level, Extra- Curricular Activities

Participants: Primary 4-6 (aged 9-12) stuents

Measures: Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, Authoritative Parenting Index, Parental Modernity Scale

Measures abr: API

Abstract: abstract/2009B.S.Sc/Cheung_Kei_Shun_Abstract.pdf

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