Thesis Database

Year: 2007 - 2008 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Timothy Patric Carey

Student name: Sonia Chun Yee Yau

Thesis title:

Individual Differences and Retail Bargaining Tendency of Consumers

Keywords: Bargaining tendency / proneness, Self-esteem, Self-efficacy, Competitiveness, Attitude, Consumers' behaviors

Participants: 102 native Chinese readers (42 male and 60 female)

Measures: Bargaining Attitude Scale, Rosenberg Self-esteem scale, General Self-efficacy scale, Competitiveness Index, Bargaining Proneness Scale

Measures abr: SES, GSES, CI

Abstract: abstract/2008B.S.Sc/yau_chun_yee_sonia_abstract.pdf

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